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Honouring Chris Duke

Co-Editors: Heribert Hinzen, Phuoc Khau, Dorothy Lucardie, Maria Slowey, Shirley Walters

Technical Assistance: Leslie Cordie

Table of Contents

Message from President  Shirley Walters

The Farm Lad and the Worl Budd Hall

Part One: Introduction

Editorial   Heribert Hinzen, Phuoc Khau, Dorothy Lucardie, Maria Slowey, Shirley Walters

Evolution of the PIMA bulletin from seed to produce  Shirley Walters

The Chris Duke Study Circle

Agnieszka Bron, John Field, Ana Kranjc, Tom Schuller, Maria Slowey, Dick Taylor and Lucia Vazquez Mendoza

Chris Duke: In His Own Words  Chris Duke

Part Two: Letters From . . .

France: Chris Duke, modern-day Renaissance Man. Chris Brooks 

Canada: A Tribute to Chris. Shauna Butterwick 

Australia: Chris Duke’s concerns – never more relevant and needed. Jim Falk 

Australia: Wildlife knowledge systems and climate change: Threads for new learning. Steve Garlick

Germany: Bildung and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Uwe Gartenschlaeger

Australia: Chris Duke: Mentor, leader and friend. Robbie Guevara

Germany: Bringing the personal and professional together. Heribert Hinzen 

Vietnam: Chris in my reflection. Khau Huu Phuoc 

England: Universities are also for working-class adults. Barbara Merrill 

Hungary: A Tribute to Chris Duke. Balázs Németh

England: The birth of PASCAL. Chris Shepherd 

India: Letter from India via Ibague, Colombia. Rajesh Tandon

Ecuador: Just one figure: How much was the illiteracy rate reduced? Rosa Maria Torres 

England: Chris Duke’s influence in the global adult education movement. Alan Tuckett

South Africa: Vibrant link between the Arts and Adult Education. Astrid von Kotze 

Australia: Partnerships towards socio-ecological innovation. Bruce Wilson


Part Three: Gardener's Corner

Overview - Chris the Gardener 

Roger Boshier, Canada  

Darlene Clover, Canada
Julia Denholm, Canada

Brian Findsen, New Zealand/Aotearoa

Thomas Kuan, Singapore

Yahui Fang, Taiwan

Peter Kearns, Australia

Norman Longworth, England

Archanya Rattana-Ubol, Thailand

Denise Rheganzi, Australia 

Hans Schuetze, Germany

Paul Stanistreet, Germany

Colin Mc Gregor, New Zealand/Aotearoa

Rob Mark, Ireland

Peter Welsh, UK

PIMA Business - April 2023

1. Annual General Meeting (AGM)

2. PIMA Bulletins - opportunities for involvement

3. Climate Justice Education - strengthening collaboration

4. Welcome new member: Serap Asar Brown

Click below to download a pdf copy

©2025 by PIMA

PIMA Bulletin is published by the Friends of PASCAL International Member Association

1488 Creek Road, Carina, 4152, Australia

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