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This paper has been submitted by ICAE on 22 October 2020 to UNESCO’s Futures of Education Initiative, as ICAE says:

“This paper is the contribution of the International Council of Adult Education (ICAE) to the UNESCO Futures of Education initiative. It is proudly a product of a collective writing process that involved representatives of the regional, national and organizational members of the ICAE, our strategic partners and networks, individual members, committed colleagues and adult educators. We have attempted to capture the extensive and diverse perspective and experiences of our members, which draws on almost 50 years of adult learning and education work of the ICAE……….we recognise that this paper captures the insights, a snapshot of a particular moment in time. As the pandemic has demonstrated, our world can change in an instant. We therefore welcome opportunities for this paper to be a conversation starter, and through these conversations, this becomes a living document that helps us to begin shaping together the future we want - today. Visit the ICAE Website ( if you wish to engage with this conversation”.

PIMA president, Shirley Walters, and vice-president, Heribert Hinzen were part of the working group who produced this paper. ICAE invites us to use this as a catalyst for deeper dialogue. This will be important in the run up to the UN’s International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA) to be held in Morocco in 2022.

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©2025 by PIMA

PIMA Bulletin is published by the Friends of PASCAL International Member Association

1488 Creek Road, Carina, 4152, Australia

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