Please find a ‘save the date’ invitation for the virtual kick-off event for the Adult Learning and Education (ALE) campaign.
This is an important campaign:
To use a metaphor: ALE is an orchestra in which many musical instruments are played, and where musicians are encouraged to play off and with one another.
The musical instruments represent community education, workplace learning, literacy, continuing professional development, health education, popular education, social movement learning, ABE, adult learning in higher education, public education and more - within a lifelong learning framework.
The global ALE campaign and ALE brand help the musicians and the audience know we are part of the same orchestra, and we can work and learn together for the strengthening of ALE practices where ever and whenever they take place!
While Agenda 2030 identifies lifelong learning as critical to the attainment of SDGs, the most significant part of LLL, ALE, is barely acknowledged. This campaign hopes to change this through us standing and working together!
Global Campaign Kick-off
March 22 2021, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Paris time (UTC+1)
Virtual on Zoom
Let's come together, support each other and proclaim to the world that - we are ale!
You can already register here: