I have been one of the journal’s editors since its inception in 2004. I am proud to be affiliated with American Scholars Press, founded by a former doctoral student of mine. IFOTS has a 16-history of publishing established authors in education as much as welcoming newcomers to our profession; we strive to provide a forum for those who teach and those who learn! IFOTS encourages traditional as much as non-traditional formats and styles of writing.
As of January, I will continue to serve in the capacity of Chief Editor of IFOTS. I look forward to engaging many of you; current students; community educators and activists; voices from across the public and private sector; and practitioners’ and students’ perspectives from around the globe. Share this Call for Papers with your colleagues, students, and friends.
Best and do not hesitate to contact me should you have questions,
Dr. G.
Dr. Gabriele Strohschen
Professor Emerita
Frédéric Ozanam Fellow
Skype: gabrielechitown
Email: GSTROHSC@depaul.edu